Benchmark based ramblings about optimizing your Preferences for better Texturing Experience in Mari
Mari's preferences (a texturing application by Foundry) allow you a large amount of different combinations to tweak your performance.
Unfortunately the effect of these settings is not well documented.
I wanted to know - once and for all - how to best utilize my hardware for best performance, so I did very extensive automated benchmarking.
Disclaimer: These settings are balanced to my personal hardware. Your results might be slightly different
I am going to give my best settings here at the start, instead of making you scroll to the end.
You can read on - or not - , how individual settings affect your performance to better understand the individual settings.
Please note those "optimal" settings are based on my system. Your mileage with other systems may vary.
Given that I am the only one I am aware of, that ever actually benchmarked 2000+ different settings, I am fairly confident though that a lot of my findings in the Settings Explanation are
transferrable to other systems - so it might be worth a read.
The two main tabs with settings that affect performance in the Mari Preferences (found under the Edit Menu) are
So without further ado, here are my settings
I wrote a Mari Benchmark Python Script that ran 3 different sets of tests over a lot of combinations of settings.
Over 2000 settings combinations were tested in total, over the span of roughly 50 hours.
While the total amount of possible settings combinations (within my test bed) is a whopping 47000, I opted to skip over a whole bunch of the lower settings, by not allowing them as options in my script. This dramatically reduced the overall amount.
From initial tests I knew they would give poorer results on my system and not be contenders for "Best performance", so I didn't want to spend considerable Benchmark time on them.
To further tweak the benchmark time, I then defined 'spreads' of settings. Meaning that only every 5th setting combination would be tested, giving me still considerable data over the range of
settings to identify trends.
I plan to make the Benchmark available as a proper tool in Mari Extension Pack at one point, once it is a bit more refined and user friendly.
The following elements were tested
Export speed was NOT tested as this is purely write speed to disc and cannot really be improved via settings
Mari ran alone. There were no other graphics intensive Applications open.
If you are sharing resources across applications you will have to account for that.
Brush speed projection tests were performed with a 2k,16bit Paint buffer since this is what I use most.
TEST 1 - Projection onto a lot of 4k UDIMS
TEST 2 - Projection onto a single 4k UDIM
Viewport FPS tests are a bit tricky as it is heavily influenced by
The Viewport FPS Speed Test was performed by viewing a 16bit, 4k Paint Node with 100 UDIMs with "Pause Canvas Rendering" Option disabled (as this option stops viewport redraw if not required and
nothing is happening).
The camera position was chosen to show about 1/3 of all 4k UDIMs of the object (~33).
The python call canvas.fps() was called repeatedly, while the camera rotated, and the average FPS count was determined.
The infamous "Mari Spinning wheel" is unfortunately a subject of its own, and really there's not much to do about it.
As such it was not part of the Benchmark.
The Spinning Wheel happens when Mari compiles the code of ALL nodes/layers you are currently viewing into a program (a shader), that is then executed on the GPU.
The only way to really reduce the "Compile" Time is to have less nodes or less complex nodes in a chain - or "collapse" them by prebaking them to Bake Points or Paintable Nodes.
At the end of the Settings Explanation below I will briefly cover 2 settings that have an effect on the frequency of the Spinning Wheel.
However the general time it takes for Mari to compile a shader is fixed, and can only be improved by the GPU Manufacturer's Drivers or reduced node chain complexity (again - bake points are your
There are however 2 ways you can slightly reduce the time it takes for the spinning wheel:
1. Exclude the Mari Executable from your Virus Scanner e.g. Windows Defender
2. Set the Mari process priority higher (on windows via task manager)
Let's dive into the different preferences and try to decipher how they affect performance.
I am not an expert on exactly what is going on behind the scenes so these conclusions are based on
Knowing all this let's get going:
These settings can be found in the "Data" Tab of the Mari Preferences.
I have 64 GB of RAM. By default on my machine, Mari sets this setting to 16GB.
I did not see any notable difference in changing this value, which I guess is a testament to Mari's good memory management.
I know from experience that this setting is a soft limit. Even with its 16GB Value, Mari will not really stop at 16GB RAM when it needs more.
Based on my observations this "Max Memory" Setting only is taken into account during baking operations, which would explain why changing its default 16GB Value did not give dramatic differences
in my test bed:
Therefore I decided to set this value to 30GB out of my available 64GB, to give Mari plenty to work with even when working with 32bit channels , accounting for extreme cases and still having
large reserves for when it decides to take more or when I need to do something else on my machine
Set it to half your available System Ram
While the Max Memory Setting had no measurable effect in my benchmarks, the "Max Write Memory Factor" had massive effects on Bake Speeds.
As per the help file:
"The setting controls up to how much of the Max Memory (the setting above it) is used to temporarily hold the data to be written to disks."
So this means, this setting will directly affect Bakes (e.g. exporting, Bake Point Baking etc.), as Baking writes data to disc, into Mari's Project Cache.
Sure enough the results of changing this were quite dramatic:
Actually my Benchmarks suggested that just flat out setting this value to 1.0 would be the best, however I felt because I was using Mari in isolation on my system, it would be best not to push my luck.
So I opted for a Benchmark setting that only was marginally slower (0.877 vs 1.0) while being aware that my 100 UDIM test were at no point really maxing out the Memory anyway.
Please note, that this setting only exists in the preferences since Mari 6.0.
In MARI 4.8 and 5.0, this setting is only available via an Environment Variable
So you would need to specify this environment variable with your value (e.g. MARI_MAX_WRITE_PENDING_SIZE_FACTOR= 0.75) if you are using previous Mari Versions.
Set it to somewhere between 0.7 and 0.9. It makes a lot of difference. If you have a more than 64 GB of RAM or use Mari in isolation, even higher is good.
The "Bake Bucket Size" setting can be found in the "GPU" Tab of the Mari Preferences, at the bottom of the "Baking and Projection" Group.
Not to be confused with the "Render Bucket Size".
The "Bake Bucket Size" determines how many pixels Mari will simultaneously process before flushing it out of its memory and moving on to the next "Pixel Bucket".
One slightly complicated aspect of this setting is that it affects both "Baking" as well as "Projections" meaning it will impact
Raw Baking Speed
The results for pure Bake Speed - in my case baking Bake Points over and over with different settings - were very obvious.
For raw Bake Speed you want that "Bake Bucket Size" as high as possible, being equal or roughly equal to your Virtual Texture Bake Size Setting (more on that setting further below).
This finding was not entirely surprising as for baking 100x4k UDIMs it will be faster to process as much as possibly in one go. Instead of processing smaller chunks, flushing the memory and moving on to the next chunk, which adds overhead.
The best setting combination for Bake speed for me was with a "Bake Bucket Size" of 16k and a "Virtual Texture Bake Size" Setting of 26.624 x 26.624.
A Bake Bucket size of 32k was a bit slower, surprisingly.
After checking the logs I saw a lot of "Excessive Data in Queue' Messages, indicating that all my combinations of settings in this case exceeded the Memory somewhere, which is why 16k was a good compromise and ran actually faster than 32k.
Interactive Projection & Working Speed
So you might ask why in my "Best Settings" this setting is at 4k after all, if 16k was so much faster for me.
The reason is the previously mentioned influence of that setting not only on Bake Speed, but also Projection Speed - so projecting paint from your paint buffer onto the model.
Having it at 16k added a noticeable & measurable (up to 0.8ms) delay whenever a Paint Stroke was baked down.
While the actual projection (the time it takes for the progress bar to complete) was faster, it took a while for the progress bar to appear in the first place, compared to a 4k setting..
So what's the story with that ?
It turns out it's easy.
Let's say I am making a brush stroke that crosses over four 4k UDIMs.
The fastest bucket size for baking such a projection would be a 8k Bucket.
If my Bucket size is 16k or 32k with such a paint stroke, there is a lot of excess data that needs to be processed (even if it's empty) and a 16k "Image" needs to be loaded into Memory. This
initial load is the delay I was seeing before the progress bar appeared.
If instead of doing a projection onto your model , you are baking a Bake Point (so a lot of UDIMs at once) , you only load in that 16k image once, while painting and projecting loads in that 16k
image over and over whenever you project.
So for baking, the speed gains of having only one larger image completely justify the delay of loading that image (once).
While having that delay each time you paint & project adds up.
So what do I set this setting to ?
Based on my benchmarks simply ask yourself:
This is what you want this "Bake Bucket Size" to be at.
So I opted for 4k for myself to cover all eventualities.
In general MARI is and always has been a beast when running 2k UDIM sizes, no matter how many 100s of UDIMs you throw at it.
However usually I work at 4k .. so I choose to leave the setting at 4k, knowing that I can change it to 2k if I really have a project where it is worth it (a project with mostly 2k UDIMs).
If on the other side you really only want to have your raw Baking Performance - for example if you are running Mari exclusively on a Machine as your "Baking Slave" and not doing any painting - you will want to set this preference quite high to get your maximum Bake Speed.
That being said, My tests were not production node networks but a simple cloud node piped into a bake point.
If you have large node networks (think hundreds of nodes) to bake, there's a good chance MARI needs extra memory to write
"In-between states" of nodes (for example to process compositing operations).
Meaning you might want to stay under the maximum bake bucket size you can fit in your memory .. and leave extra space in order to not max out the memory use.
Long story short, my suggestion is to flat out stay in the 2k to 4k range on this setting, depending on what is your usual working resolution for UDIMs. If you work mostly with 8ks, go 8k - if
you only work with 1ks, go 1k.
The "Render Bucket Size" setting (which is above the "Bake Bucket Size" Setting) only has an effect for example when you create "Unprojections" from a Projector or render highres Viewports (e.g. Screenshots). As such this setting has no bearing on Bake or Viewport Performance.
The "Max Image Memory" and "Persistent Mapping" Settings can be found in the GPU Tab of the Mari Preferences, within the "General" Group
The "Max Image Memory" setting is a misleadingly named preference.
It only affects images that are loaded into Image attributes on Nodes, as well as filter operations performed on Images (think Blur Filter for example).
This setting has only marginal effects on Bake speed and absolutely no effects on Paint Projection Speeds.
It can however affect your Frame Rates in the viewport if set too low.
MARI maintains two big memory buckets for Images.
To test the effects of the "Max Image Memory" Setting, I set it to 2GB and created a Camera Projection Setup, with 30 different 6k Images being live projected via "Camera Projection Nodes".
The FPS in my viewport was around 27 FPS, which is too slow to do any real work.
Clearly the Memory for images was too low.
By raising the Max Image Memory to 6GB, my FPS already had recovered to 243 FPS.
To give myself plenty of room to work with images I decided on a 12GB Memory allocation, knowing of course that this - in the worst case of using many, many images in my project - only leaves 12 GB for the Virtual Texture. (on my 24GB Card).
Other than for example the "Max Memory" Setting in the "Data" Tab of the Preferences, Mari indeed seems to respect the setting value as a hard limit.
Meaning if you are using less, the memory stays free for other things, while when using more, you are punished by dramatically reduced FPS.
If you heavily use images in Nodes other than Paint nodes and Bake points, give yourself plenty of Memory here.
Just think how how many images you are using in your Nodegraph via Tiled or Tri-planars and multiply that value by 256MB to assume the worst case.
Persistent mapping is a difficult one.
The general help says that it improves bake performance when doing multiple successive bakes (e.g. channel exporting).
And indeed I have seen it improve performance on one system ... and absolutely tank bake performance on another.
On one system I had an export of 19 seconds, on the other system (same export) it froze the machine for 90 seconds at 75% baking so the exports would end up being around 2+ minutes in
the end.
It seems heavily dependent on what GPU you are on.
On my consumer card it worked well, however at work on Studio cards like a Quadro 4000 or RTX 4000 ada it was a disaster.
So I would suggest you turn it on and see if you have on export or bake a long pause at a certain percentage of bake. Then repeat with Persistent Mapping Off and see if the pause goes away
Undetermined. Seems to depend on hardware
aka VTS (Virtual Texture System) or SVT (Sparse Virtual Texture)
The Virtual Texture is the heart and soul of Mari and the reason why it can display and work with massive data amounts that far exceed the VRAM of your GPU. It is at least partly the reason MARI is still working long after Substance Painter calls it quits because of too much data.
Remember our "Buckets" above in the "Max Image Memory" Section. |
Think of my test scenario, where I could have 100x 4k 32 bit Textures created via a Bake Point.
( I used 16bit to benchmark but that's beside the point)
The total memory consumption of those 100 images at 32bit would be 25.6 GB, which exceeds my GPU VRAM (24GB total) by a good 1.6 GB (if nothing else would be on the GPU at the time).
So without the SVT I would not be able to view or work with these 100 Images, much less 100 images per Node multiplied by a dozen or hundred.
Think of the Virtual Texture like a very large Image made out of a mosaic of tiny images (I think I once read that no image block is larger than 50 kilobyte)
The maximum size/resolution of that combined Mosaic is the size defined by the Virtual Texture Size Setting and the entire image covers all UDIMs of your Object.
Each mosaic can be independently swapped out by Mari, without having to swap or recreate the entire large image.
Depending on what you see in your viewport Mari will fill in these mosaics with data from your UDIMs.
Let's quickly take our 100 UDIM example again:
You can "offset" the loaded mipmap by lowering the "Gather Scale" Setting in the Preferences |
As each block in the Virtual Texture is tiny, Mari can do fine differentiations and only load in small sections of a single UDIM as high resolution info, while other parts of the same UDIM are streamed in as lower quality
If you ever looked into your Mari Project Directory, you will notice thousands of tiny files. Those are the image blocks that make up a complete UDIM's baked Information. These image blocks are then used to fill the tiny blocks in the Virtual Texture in a very granular manner, each block having different mipmaps
Below we see a single image baked into a Paintable Node.
In the perspective view (left) we see that only a tiny section of the map is necessary in its highest fidelity (green), while other parts of the same single image can be treated as lower
Disclaimer: While in the below image a gradient is used, in reality it is actually a "blocky" system, meaning there is no change in resolution "within a
So we know that the Virtual Texture's main purpose is to handle the viewport display of (baked) data in Mari.
However it is also used for baking paint. So if you are baking a node or projecting a paintbuffer, this data first goes into the Virtual Texture and then gets written to disc from there.
The Virtual Texture Settings can be found in the GPU Tab of the Mari Preferences under the "Virtual Texture" Group
As the name implies, this specifies the Bitdepth of the Virtual Texture used to display things in the viewport. So...
For the sake of the initial argument we can say that this only affects your display. It has no bearing on the bitdepth of the actual data in your project which is always at the highest original data fidelity.
This effect is the most notable, when viewing bump maps in Mari. Even if you authored a nice, smooth 16bit Bump Map .. if you view the result with a 8bit Virtual Texture you will see stair-casing/stepping inside Mari's Viewport, but when exporting and rendering the map ,the result will still be smooth.
All of that being said, having the VTS Bitdepth at 8bit or 16bit significantly increases your Frame count (FPS) in Mari's Viewport.
..but .. but .. you have it at Float/32bit in your "Best Settings" ...
For my benchmarks a "Float" Virtual Texture (32bit) decreased the FPS in Mari's Viewport but at the same time also decreased time it takes to bake.
We will cover the why in the "Bake Resolution" Setting below. So just know that the Float Setting can actually speed up baking if you can live with the decrease in FPS.
Set it to Float to avoid having to manage two separate virtual Textures.
Only if you really need to squeeze extra Viewport FPS go to Halve or Byte.
Quick important fact
In the interest of not burying important information, here is an interesting set of facts straight at the beginning:
Influences FPS, baking speed and Viewport stability
The resolution and depth of your Virtual Texture in a pure "Viewport Context", heavily affects your viewport FPS count when you have any sort of baked data in your node chain. If the resolution is too low, it can also cause visual artifacts and flickering of texture block.
In a "Baking Context", the size can impact the bake speed .. and if too low completely mess up your bakes when Mari is unable to push the amount of data you are asking it to bake, through a too
small Virtual Texture (and not even the "Bake Bucket size" helps to split the data into smaller amounts.)
How to find the right size
In my benchmarks having the highest possible sizes were consistently giving the best FPS count and Baking Speeds.
The best benchmark results were with a resolution of 30720 x 30720. However given all the other elements that need my GPU memory (that weren't represented at the time of baking e.g. high image count via tri planars etc.), I chose a slightly lower resolution of 26624x26624.
This roughly equals 11GB of GPU Ram in use for the Virtual Texture at "Float" / 32bit bitdepth, giving me another 13 GB available on my GPU for other things.
The math behind this 11GB is the following:
I have to admit I did not entirely know the benefits or usage of the Virtual Texture Layers.
As increasing the Virtual Texture Layer amount means I have to decrease the actual Size of the Virtual Texture (more layers = more memory) I always set the Layer count to 1.
My Benchmarks did not give any indication that more layers and smaller Virtual Texture Size are favorable over a large Virtual Texture with a single Layer. As a matter of fact the results were
pretty much the same no matter if the final resolution was a achieved with
After reaching out to Rory Woodford - Mari's former Product Manager - he gave the following explanation, which is in line with my findings:
"There used to be a performance hit/gain for old GPUs if you performed texture lookup calls against a very large texture vs a layered texture dataset. I don't think there is any
difference in modern GPUs, but the preference is still there as an option to customize how VT are encoded into VRAM"
So long story short, the setting is largely legacy on any GPU build in the 2020s and you can just set the option to 1, and just rely on tweaking the resolution.
Setting might be relevant in the future again
I imagine though soon, once we have very very large GPU Memory, this setting will come in handy again as Mari is currently "limited" to a maximum size of 32k x 32k for the Virtual Texture.
That means your maximum required memory for a 32bit Virtual Texture would always be 16.38 GB.
Imagine having a 48 GB VIdeo Card - in that case you could probably quite safely set the Virtual Texture resolution to 32k and increase the Layercount to 2 and still only use 33 GB Video
Set it to 1.
As mentioned early on in this write-up, the spinning processing wheel time is not really something that can be reduced, as it is the process of compiling all your nodes into a single
shader. So more Nodes means more Code to process, means longer spinning wheel.
There are however some settings in the Preferences that influence the frequency you see the spinning wheel at.
So for completion, let's cover those as well, although this was not part of my benchmarks and I see little point in changing the defaults.
Your overall best chance to reduce spinning wheel times remains
Caching or Bake Points remove(s) many lines of code from the shaders that Mari is compiling during this "Spinning Wheel" time, by replacing it with a simple "Texture Lookup" -- ergo reducing the time it takes the spinning wheel to complete.
The main settings having an influence on the spinning wheel can be found in the "GPU" Tab of the Mari Preferences under the "Shaders" Group.
When turned on, Mari will cache the results of Shader Compilations.
You can see the effect quite clearly, when this is turned on
So there's really no good reason to turn that setting off, unless for some obscure reason you need a node to be recalculated no matter what
Leave it on.
The Compilation Mode Setting is the only lever you can really pull, to control how often you see the "Spinning Wheel".
I personally leave it on its default "Automatic" 100% of the time.
Dynamic mode has very fast spinning wheel times at the cost of being a heavy shader to render. This means that, whilst your computer will remain active, you will experience a slower frame rate once the spinning wheel completes, but the spinning wheel will be short. Dynamic mode works by caching multiple operations to be used quickly so that, whilst initially you may still get a spinning wheel, from the second time you perform a specific operation your shader shouldn't need to recompile.
Optimized mode, once compiled, is a lighter shader to render so often offers faster frame rates. However, when compared to Dynamic mode, the process of compiling the shader is slower (longer spinning wheel), causing Mari’s spinning wheel to appear in the viewport more often and longer.
AUTOMATIC - Set by default
Automatic mode is not a single type of Shader Compilation but rather makes use of combining both the Dynamic and Optimized modes for a parallel compile which provides faster, cleaner results in the Mari viewport. Whilst working in this mode, artists will experience the maximum amount of optimizations
Leave it on Automatic.
The only time you would want to for example force this to "Dynamic", is if you have good enough Frame Rates already and your current Node network can comfortably be executed on the GPU.
Then setting the "Dynamic" mode will reduce the amount of time you see the spinning wheel - while causing lower FPS than not having it on Dynamic.
I hope this lengthy Explanation can help you tweak your Mari settings.
Running the benchmarks definitely taught be a few things about how to best utilize my hardware and I found that many of my assumptions were outdated and no longer applied to my current System
Addendum supplied by Rory Woodford